About the CEO

A woman with short hair and glasses wearing a jacket.

Marielle Pariseau Founder & CEO

School: Université de Montréal, Faculté de Médecine Dentaire

With her transformation from dentist to Social Entrepreneur, Dr. Pariseau brings a fresh perspective on Oral Health built on a strong foundation of hands-on experience, a lifetime of studies, and a vision for community embracing oral health as an essential component of overall health.

After obtaining her Doctorate in Dental Medicine from Université de Montréal with honors, Dr. Pariseau started her career at Sainte Justine Hospital for children in Montréal. She then went into private practice alternately as an associate, as a partner and as an owner in a mix of group and solo clinics.

From Dentist to Social Entrepreneur

Dr. Pariseau completed all of the core courses plus specialty courses in occlusion and esthetics at the world-renowned Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. She also has a certificate in CAMBRA (Caries Management By Risk Assessment) from University of California in San Francisco and in Chronic Disease Prevention from University of Toronto, as well as a certificate in Social Entrepreneurship from University of Pennsylvania.

What triggered Dr. Pariseau's Social Entrepreneurship journey are the hundreds of hours she invested in volunteer work with underserved populations in Canada, United States and Nicaragua. Most of this work is focused on risk assessment, prevention and education where there are great needs for investment.

Today Dr. Pariseau is actively involved in building awareness to the importance of good oral health in her community, exploring with other leaders in health and education possibilities in oral health related social innovations, including the creation of a shift towards Society Embracing Oral Health locally, nationally and beyond.

"We know the sequence and mechanism of dental caries (tooth decay). The systems we have in place are inefficient, and even with the Affordable Care Act, these systems still leave millions of people behind. We are not targeting the disease wisely nor appropriately. Fillings are too late and they are not a cure for the complexity of dental caries. Plus, a late diagnosis of dental disease triggers an enormous amount of costly intervention. in most cases in the very people who cannot afford even the most basic of care." -Marielle Pariseau

A little girl and boy sitting next to each other.