Canary System Co-Inventor, Dr. Andreas Mandelis, Wins Killam Prize
Professor Andreas Mandelis, Co-Founder of Quantum Dental Technologies (QDT) and Co-Inventor of the core technology behind The Canary System, is the winner of the 2014 Killam Prize, one of Canada’s most prestigious scholarly awards. The Killam Prize recognises outstanding career achievement by scholars actively engaged in research.
From the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Mandelis is a world leader in the field of diffusion-wave and photoacoustic sciences. Professor Mandelis’ groundbreaking research puts him at the intersection between the exciting fields of engineering and applied physics – a combination that attracted him because of its wide potential for applications. By blending these two research fields, Mandelis and his team are able to see small differences in the human body or manufacturing materials that have gone previously undetected.
Professor Mandelis’ discovery and development of the core technology behind The Canary System, PTR-LUM, uses energy conversion technology to analyze infrared and luminescence signatures in order to provide information on the condition of the tooth structure. Unlike fluorescence-based devices that reveal the presence of bacteria close to the tooth’s surface, The Canary System identifies abnormalities in the crystal structure of the tooth up to a depth of 5mm. It can also pinpoint cracks that are causing pain and sensitivity. No other caries detection device on the market has these capabilities.
“We go where no light has gone before”, said Mandelis. “With support and hard work from the entire QDT team, we did the research, founded QDT, and brought The Canary System to dental clinics.”
Please visit www.thecanarysystem.com for additional information.